Grandfather and grandson fishing on dock

Speak up for recovery!

Most people don’t understand the disease—or what it takes to find recovery.

Through our advocacy and coalition efforts, Ten16 brings together people with recovering experience to promote better attitudes and policies to make recovery a reality for more people in our community.

Your story about the freedom that comes from recovery must be told. Whether you are a person with lived experience or a loved one, when you share your story here, you give others hope.

Stand up and speak—your story may inspire someone else. Then ask your friends to do the same.

Your story is a part of ours! We’re proud to be an active member of recovery communities across Central Michigan.

Share your recovery story here

Those in recovery themselves, family members, friends, other loved ones… All are invited to share their recovery experiences! The more we can add our voices, the more stigma we can overcome and the more hope we can share.

What is your lived experience?(Required)
Date of recovery