Recovery doesn’t happen alone, and neither does our work! Ten16 Recovery Network is proud to be a part of a greater network of professionals and organizations across Central Michigan—all dedicated to the best client care.
A big thanks to our partners!

Partners make our services better
At Ten16, we seek out professional partnerships of all kinds because we know that together we can make a bigger impact.
Although we offer many treatment and recovery support services, we can’t be everything to everybody—and we rely on our partners to step in where we can’t. And we gladly do the same for them!
Our partnerships take many forms, from co-located offices to embedded staff to referral relationships. If you have a need to fill, please reach out to us using the form at the bottom of the page.

Why is it important to work with a licensed and accredited provider?
You have a choice in who you work with to get the results you desire. Choosing a licensed and accredited provider ensures your provider meets minimum standards of quality, adheres to known best practices, and has been vetted by a third-party agency. Ten16’s accreditation demonstrates our commitment to continuously improve the quality of our services, staff, and facility and to maintain our primary focus: on doing the next right thing for the people we serve.
What do your accreditations and partnerships mean to clients?
Whether you’re seeking assistance with residential rehab, outpatient counseling, or prevention and education, Ten16 is able to offer more and higher-quality services thanks to our accrediting bodies and our statewide partnerships. By working closely with other health care providers, we’re able to expand our network of services—and our accreditations ensure that every service exceeds expectations! If you need support that we cannot provide ourselves, we can almost certainly connect you with a partner we know and trust.
What role do you play for partners?
Ten16 Recovery Network is able to play a variety of roles for our diverse partners. For some partners, we serve as a referral in or out; for other partners, we co-locate our staff to help expand that partner’s menu of recovery support services in a particular location. (For example, our staff works directly in hospitals to help take care of the behavioral health needs associated with medical care.) For still other partners, we work collaboratively to create new opportunities to better serve people in recovery.
No matter what kind of support you need, let’s talk!
How can we partner with Ten16?
Thank you for your interest! We are always looking to form supportive relationships with Central Michigan health care providers, treatment centers, recovery support service providers, and schools and universities. (Among many other types of organizations!)
To explore the ways we might come together to offer better recovery treatment and support services, please contact us through the form at the bottom of the page.
Become a Ten16 partner
Are you looking to expand your scope of services? Need a partner to better serve your clients? Ten16 is always open to exploring new partnerships! Please fill out this form, and we’ll reach out to set up a call.