Prime For Life
November 8, 2024About this event
About this event
Prime for Life is a substance use education program designed to prevent alcohol/drug problems or provide early intervention. PFL emphasizes changing the perceptions of the risks of drug and alcohol use and related attitudes and beliefs. Participants are guided in self-assessing their level of risk toward or into dependence or addiction. PFL also assists participants in developing a detailed plan for successfully following through with behavior change.
A minimum of 2 participants is required to hold class. The instructor will call you the week of class to reschedule if the minimum of 2 is not reached. Classes will be filled on a first come, first served basis. There is no charge for the class. Late arrivals will not be permitted to complete the class on that day. Snacks and drinks are allowed, and short breaks will be provided.
For questions or to register for a Clare County class, please contact:
Cody Colwell at (231) 527-2000 Ext. 1083 or at